You can use dual whatsapp by using the beta version and normal version. Here are the store links. Microsoft Store - Whatsapp Beta · Microsoft Store - Whatsapp.
31 Dec 2019 WhatsApp will withdraw support for all Windows Phone operating system starting today, December 31. The instant messaging app is also set to 14 May 2019 Friendly interface with all the functions at hand. At first glance, the app has a somber look, with its dark background inside the menus and the chat 30 Dec 2019 Just a few weeks after Microsoft ended support for Windows 10 Mobile, WhatsApp has pulled support for its app on all Windows phone Download WhatsApp XAP File v2.18.368.0 for Windows Phone. WhatsApp is a free and useful Social app. Download and install manually now. 10 May 2019 WhatsApp will no longer support older smartphones, including Windows Phone devices. 7 May 2019 It's been a long time since the WhatsApp app for Windows Phone received a significant update, and the app was actually still using the old Metro
WhatsApp non sarà più disponibile su Windows Phone e Windows Mobile a partire dal 1 gennaio 2020. La notizia era nell’aria da qualche mese, e poco fa è arrivata puntualmente la conferma Leggi queste domande frequenti per informazioni sulla fine del supporto per Windows Phone 8.1. E’ bene notare che, dal momento che lo sviluppo dell’app WhatsApp è stato interrotto già da qualche tempo, non è escluso che prima della suddetta data alcune funzioni presenti in WhatsApp per Windows Phone 8.1 e Windows 10 Mobile possano smettere di funzionare. Whatsapp: su questi smartphone non funzionerà più dal 2020. Oltre ai Windows Phone, tagliati fuori a partire dal 31 Dicembre 2019, sarà la volta degli iPhone con iOS 7 e i device Android 2.3.7 WhatsApp, infatti, smetterà di offrire il supporto ai dispositivi con il sistema operativo BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry 10 e Windows Phone 8. Lo staff dell’applicazione di messaggistica istantanea aveva già annunciato l’intenzione di bloccare il supporto agli smartphone con sistema operativo BlackBerry e Windows Phone. NOTA (30 maggio) – Con le ultime versioni di Whatsapp Beta per Windows 10 Mobile e Windows Phone, Whatsapp conferma nuovamente che, a causa della cessazione del supporto alla piattaforma mobile di Microsoft, il servizio Whatsapp smetterà di funzionare a partire dal prossimo 31 dicembre. Articolo originale (7 maggio) Dopo aver abbandonato la piattaforma Windows Phone 8.0 lo scorso gennaio Abbiamo testato qui le migliori applicazioni per il vostro smartphone Windows Phone alternative a Whatsapp e ve le abbiamo recensite qui, eccovi dunque il responso con i nomi e i link per scaricarli immediatamente e direttamente in sicurezza dal Microsoft Store.
Whatsapp Windows Phone 2019 Download installs without hassle on your smartphone, with an installation file of 6.4 MB.Whatsapp Windows Phone 2019 Download The installation process is pretty much exactly the same across all the smartphone models the app supports.Whatsapp Windows Phone 2019 Download Once installed, the app presents a greeting WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for Windows Phone and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages. whatsapp windows phone free download - WhatsApp, Windows App for WhatsApp, WhatsApp for Windows 10, and many more programs WhatsApp Download For Windows Phone – whatsapp download notebook windows 7, install whatsapp windows 8 laptop, whatsapp update android free, whatsapp xp, is really a renowned messaging service that ‘s been around for quite a while now. Although you should use it online, WhatsApp has launched a desktop app for both Windows and Mac OS X platforms.WhatsApp Download For Windows Phone This … Solo da ieri 15 gennaio, infatti, il supporto dell’app risulta cessato su tutti i device che montano il sistema operativo del colosso americano, ragion per cui dovrete puntare su un nuovo smartphone. La separazione tra Windows Phone e WhatsApp.
In this tutorial, we will take you through the steps of using “WhatsApp Web” with help of Lumia or any other Windows Phone devices as the source of WhatsApp. WhatsApp Web is the web ver…
WhatsApp will withdraw support for all Windows Phone operating system starting today, December 31. The instant messaging app is also set to leave support for the devices running Android version 2 Come installare WhatsApp su Windows Phone. Adesso vediamo come installare WhatsApp sui telefoni equipaggiati con Windows Phone. Se hai un Microsoft Lumia o uno smartphone Nokia animato dal sistema operativo di casa Microsoft, apri il Windows Phone Store pigiando sull’icona del sacchetto con la Whatsapp Windows Phone 2019 Download installs without hassle on your smartphone, with an installation file of 6.4 MB.Whatsapp Windows Phone 2019 Download The installation process is pretty much exactly the same across all the smartphone models the app supports.Whatsapp Windows Phone 2019 Download Once installed, the app presents a greeting WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for Windows Phone and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages. whatsapp windows phone free download - WhatsApp, Windows App for WhatsApp, WhatsApp for Windows 10, and many more programs WhatsApp Download For Windows Phone – whatsapp download notebook windows 7, install whatsapp windows 8 laptop, whatsapp update android free, whatsapp xp, is really a renowned messaging service that ‘s been around for quite a while now. Although you should use it online, WhatsApp has launched a desktop app for both Windows and Mac OS X platforms.WhatsApp Download For Windows Phone This …
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